Monday, May 21, 2018

Standard objectives

The volcano tremor activity level objectives include:

1. A measurement technique that can be applied to any volcano.

2. A method that can be followed by anyone with basic computer skills.

3. Reproducible technique that has an acceptable level of error when utilized by different users.

4. A quantitative measurement.

5. Utilization of only freely available programs that are available to anyone with an internet connection and available on different platforms.


  1. On what authority, what educational background, or experience do you base your findings?

    Seriously, it appears like you do not know what you are taking about, at all. Can you give your readers assurances that you are qualified to be distribute this information, and that it is correct?

    1. My education is that of an instrumentation engineer. Some of the most complex instruments I sold were utilized NIR spectrum scans and Heuristics to determine everything from moisture level in a grain of wheat to the thickness of paint on a 747. Information from a Seismograph is rather easy to analyze since more ink on the page means one and only one thing, greater volcanic activity level.

    2. Really? Then how come you are so wrong about the seismicity at Kilauea?

    3. Wrong in what way? Kilauea is erupting isn't it? Have you checked the Seismographic records and found an error? The program I utilize is the same program used to quantitatively determine the level of brainwave activity. It precisely counts every pixel on the seismograph. My background in instrumentation is more specifically calibration and traceability. That is why I take so long to show exactly how I am counting pixels. Further, I stand firmly behind the long held position that a seismograph covered with ink is a sign of high activity and a record with little ink means low activity.


I greatly appreciate comments and will read all. However, I do moderate content and have to check what you write before it is posted live.

Comparing siesmic tremor with surface events

Three events late May 2018 were added to the graph of seismic data. Time for this graph was adjusted so data points represent the end of a 6...