Saturday, May 19, 2018

Getting started: Download free software ImageJ

Free software from the NIH helps establish a repeatable method so anyone with a computer and internet connection can determine volcano tremor activity level.

The download page for the software is located at:

Unless you know you already have JAVA on your computer. It is probably best to down load the bundled version that contains JAVA.

For my Windows Computer I downloaded the version described as:


Download ImageJ bundled with 64-bit Java 1.8.0_112(70MB). Instructions.

In order to get my software to run, I had to click on the file that was down loaded. This created a directory on my download folder called ImageJ.  

I found that the program wouldn't run until I manually moved the entire directory to my c:ProgramFiles/ directory.

Note: During the transfer I got an error message that two files were identical. I pressed overwrite option and my program works fine.

I apologize in advance that I will not be able to help you if you are unable to get the program to run on your device. 

Please read the instructions that are listed for your particular version.

I have condensed on the following pages the only commands you need to utilize in the software. If you want to down load the entire manual you can do so. 

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