Sunday, April 1, 2018

About the author and using materials from this blog

Philip Maise is an amateur and none of his work is checked by "professionals". Further, Maise makes no claims or warranties that his methods are definitive proof that a lava flow is or isn't about to occur. Always consult local government authorities when making critical decisions regarding potential lava flows.

You are free to make use of any materials on this blog including photographs. Please list the source as Philip Maise and list this blogsite as the source.

Maise is a former resident of Hawaii and seen in the photo above in front of the Mother's Day flow that came down through the neighborhood of Royal Gardens. Maise walked the streets of the neighborhood just two nights before and was amazed at how quiet it was since there were no coqui frogs.

He is a chemical engineer with a background in instrumentation and control systems.

Maise lives mainly on his sailboat and still loves to go to volcanoes.

Above is a photo of Maise on Mt Talinis on the island of Negros in the Philippines.

Not too far from this picture was an entire hillside of dead trees that apparently died when the volcano had a hiccup of poisonous gas.

This gas bubbling up from the deep was harmless and barely had a smell.

In the Fall 2018 Maise will revisit Mt. Kinabalu.

If you want to come along, give him a shout.

Philip Maise
Captain Hot Buoys Sailing Vessel
May 2018

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